Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fun Stuff ~~ Tiltshift Maker

Tiltshift Maker is super cool!
This isn't the best example- I have a simple little camera and never take pictures of anything but my children, so I didn't have a lot to work with, but tiltshift changes the focus of your photos so that they kind of look like miniatures- check it out, their examples are cool, and, I'm excited to go tak pictures to try it out with.
Anyway, this is a photo my brother took, of some little town in Alaska-the focus of the original was the bay freezing up, but with tiltshift it becomes a little make-believe village. Well, look at their examples, and try your own photos. It's fun and its free! And besides, who doesn't need a new wa to waste time, and another reason to stay on the computer all night long. Really....
Here's the original- iced over bay, plain little village, buildings.

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